Educators - Overview

Creating excitement in the minds of students and educators.

Dallas Children's Theater brings the performing arts into the physical realm, both on stage and using a variety of educational methods. We also offer another dimension to the learning process, helping children explore their individual creativity in an enriching and engaging way.

Student Matinee Performance Series / Field Trips

It is the best field trip in town! Book your class now for one of Dallas Children's Theater's great shows and let our stage be your classroom. 

Student Matinee Study Guides

As part of our mission to integrate the arts into classroom academics, the Behind the Curtain Resource Guides provide helpful information for teachers and students to use before and after attending performances. 

After School Drama Classes

After the bell rings, a Dallas Children's Theater professional leads a class designed to encourage creative expression and self-discovery in a supportive and non-judgmental way. 

Teacher Workshops

Looking for a method to reinfuse excitement into your classroom? In fun and highly participatory workshops, one of our professional artists will demonstrate how the elements of drama, theater and improvisation can be used to enhance classroom learning. 


Expand your Dallas Children's Theater performance into learning experiences to reinforce teachable moments from the show. Our professional staff conducts workshops using hands-on activities to emphasize important themes and concepts from the play. 


Using our successful multi-sensory approach to learning, our artists will work with students to bring classroom curriculum to life. Curtains Up on Reading is a drama residency designed to help your students strengthen their skills in a targeted area. Using literature, stories and acting, participants are able to embody their subject in a new and different way and ultimately tap into a fresh approach to a subject with which they have previously struggled.